

 The evolution of Chien-Ming Wang
Posted byBen K. in Game Stories. Tagged Chien-Ming Wang
When Chien-Ming Wang first arrived in the Bronx, it was clear from the
start that Wang had the stuff to be successful. Throughout his first three
seasons in the Bigs, we grew to know and love that heavy sinker and Wang
’s stellar groundball rate. But something’s changed this year, and it’s
for the better.
This year, as we’ve seen over Wang’s first seven starts, the
right-hander — once so reliant on his sinker to get outs — has picked up
a few stellar secondary pitches and has learned how to pitch in a way that
lets him dominate a game. Look at his numbersOn the season, Wang has
thrown 45 innings, and he’s 6-0 with a 3.00 ERA, and over his last three
outings, he’s given up 4 earned runs on 17 hits in 19 innings.
觀察王建民今年季初的七場先發,我們發現這位曾經如此倚重伸卡球的右投逐漸使他的第二球種派上用場,並學得如何運用各種球路來掌控比賽。看看他今年目前的數據吧:45局投球,6勝0敗,ERA 3.00。且在他過去三場先發中,19局僅被敲17安掉4分。
Of the numbers, the most important one to me is Wang’s strike out rate.
In the early going this year, Wang’s K totals are well above his career
norm. Over his last 19 innings, he’s struck out 19 batters, and on the
season, he is average 6.40 Ks per 9 IP. With his normally stellar walk
rate, his K/BB is now 2.46.
For the last few years, stats-minded analysts have blown their collective
gaskets trying to figure out the success of Chien-Ming Wang, and were it
not for my seeing him pitch every five days, I’d be right there with
them. How did a guy with a career K/9 IP of under 4.00 prior to this year
find a way to win more games in the Majors than anyone else over two years
while keeping his ERA under 4.00? It didn’t make sense.
Now, we all know that Wang’s non-traditional success came via those
groundballs. When he is on, he can command a double play at will, and
Major League hitters look foolish topping his pitches. This year, though,
with sliders, sinkers, fastballs and a few change ups, Wang has upped his
pitching in a way that cements his status as the Yankee ace. He’s keeping
runners off base, and he’s keeping balls out of play. That is a sure
recipe for success.
As we all know — and as Hank Steinbrenner reminded us tonight — the
Yankees have had a tough go of it lately. They’re one game under .500,
and the offense isn’t doing much of anything right now. But every five
days, Wang takes the mound, and it’s a beacon of very bright light every
day. Watching a pitcher put everything together is a real pleasure, and
Wang is living the dream. He will lose a few games this season, and he’s
facing Cliff Lee and his sub-1.00 ERA next week. But it’s been quite the
roll for a pitcher who almost ended up signing with the Mariners seven
years ago.
我們都知道 – 如同小老闆漢克今晚所言 – 洋基近況相當艱困。他們目前還差一勝才能使勝率來到五成,而且打擊仍然沒有復甦的跡象。但我們至少可以期待王建民每五天一次的登板,這盞為洋基照亮黑暗的明燈。看他投球是很愉快的一件事,儘管他可能在未來輸個幾場球,又或許他下週會對上笑臉人ERA不到1的怪物Cliff Lee(而且還是個左投),但他的上場永遠能為洋基球迷構築夢想